CCE's Youth Conference, Foniraj me, is from November 15th to 17th. Registration deadline is November 1st, 2024. Payment terms and registration details can be found in the link in the text.
On April 26th our chuch hosted a large group of 65 young adults from and evangelistic organization based in Norway called „Jesus Revolution“. They have been on tour throughout Europe with their pastor, bnad, and hip-hop dance group for the past month putting on evangelistic events for teens ...
Youth and young adults 16 years and older gathered from all over Croatia to attend the conference „Phone me“ held on October 21st and 22nd which openly disscussed various life questions for which this generation can find help gaining answers founded in Biblical values.
This year's summer camp Izazov (Challenge) #5 for young people ages 13-20 overcame all challenges from the number of campers (which doubled from last year) to the organization of physical and spiritual activities, free time, teaching, and growth in friendship and fellowship.
Church of the Full Gospel is preparing and planning a dynamic, passionate, Holy Spirit filled and Christ-centered summer camp for young people ranging from the ages of 13 to 20 years old. This year’s motto is “Follow Me”. The camp will be led by Church of the Full Gospel’s teen ministry leadership and its partners
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