Kid’s Church

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We believe that Kid’s Church is a vital function of a healthy and growing congregation.  Kid’s Church must be more than simply caring for children while their parents learn from God’s Word, it must be a place where children learn biblical principles and Bible stories on their own level.  We firmly believe that God can work through and use the lives of young children to fulfill His plans and purposes here on earth.  Children at a young age can receive the gift of salvation and even be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Our desire is to see our children learn to follow Jesus Christ from an early age so that a foundation can be laid for a healthy and growing life in Him.

Kids Church is held on Sundays during the 10:00 AM service and is split into two groups: one group for children from 3 years – 6 years and the second group for school-aged children. During the second 1:00 PM international service, the kid’s church is held as a mixed group from 3-12 years old.

These classes are taught by men and women in the church who have a desire to see children grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Each service includes worship, prayer, and a Bible story, which is presented in a way that each child is capable of understanding after which the story is reinforced through drama, art, music, and creative play.  Furthermore, once a month we hold a “Family Service”.

We have endeavored to make Kid’s Church a fun and joyful place where children can have fun while learning and experiencing God’s Word on their own level. Family Service is a service where children from age four participate in the main service with their parents.  In Family Service we offer worship and an illustration for the children after which each child is given an activity packet that reinforces what we’ve been teaching them on Sundays.  We feel that Family Service is vital to ensuring that our families have an opportunity to worship together.


To train up the younger generation to understand the gift of Salvation and the Holy Spirit through worship, prayer, biblical training, and creative reinforcement.


With the aid of parents, to lay a strong and healthy foundation on which a growing and vibrant life in Christ in can be built.  To see this generation of souls grow and take their place in the body of Christ as Croatia’s future Christian leaders.

Short-term goals

  • To raise awareness of the importance of Kid’s Church to the congregation
  • To strengthen the connection between parents and teachers
  • To add more teachers to Kid’s Church
  • Better organize the structure of Kid’s Church

Long-term goals

  • To help the older children understand the person and function of the Holy Spirit
  • To divide the older children from the younger children, thereby creating a third group
  • To have a facility especially for the nursery, including cribs, changing tables, shelves for the toys, and a secluded area for nursing mothers.
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