One of the foundations of our church is discipleship, following the example and command of Jesus who gathered the disciples around him, taught them, interpreted God’s Word to them, and commanded them to teach others as he taught them. The purpose of discipleship is to give believers a better understanding of God’s word, biblical truths, but also the practical aspects of the Christian life. Discipleship is recognized in the New Testament as one of the gifts of leadership, and the task of those who teach is to teach the faithful and make them fit for further ministry.
That is why the CCE holds teachings every Sunday just after the morning service, which are also part of “Spirit Life Institute”. There are four basic teachings for CCE members, or new believers who just want to become members. These are: “Meet the Family”, “Becoming like Jesus”, “Becoming a Messenger of Christ, and “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit”.
”Meet the Family” is a fundamental teaching through which new believers become acquainted with the basic biblical teachings and principles as well as with the life and organization of the community to which they will join. The next series “Becoming like Jesus” and “Becoming a Messenger of Jesus” Are teachings through which believers are taught how to apply biblical principles in every area of life and be a witness of Christ to those around them. The teaching “The Persons and Work of the Holy Spirit” speaks of the importance and role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers and the church. Among other things, it talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Lectures take place in Croatian, Ukrainian, and English on Sundays at 09:30AM
- Each lecture cycle lasts approximately three months.